Cláudia Moreira

Cláudia Moreira was born in Porto, where she began her studies at Balleteatro Escola Profissional. Throughout her training path, she worked with choreographers such as Filipa Francisco, Paula Moreno, Cyrill Viallon, Lina Limosani, Alex Andrews, and
Andreas Dyrdal. As a contemporary dance performer, worked mostly with the choreographer Sérgio Noé Quintela, having participated in all his creations since 2017, highlighting the pieces: “ALLEN” (2015), “confiança” (2017) and “ser” (2018).

In 2020, premieres her first solo “the woman behind | the women behind” with the support of the Municipality of Maia and co-production of the Noé Association of Performing Arts (naap), also winning the 2020 Young Creators Scholarship.
Along with her training and experience in dance, she completed a degree in Philosophy in 2014 at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, and is currently attending a Masters in Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Psychology of the
University of Porto.

From 2015 to 2020 she was choreographic assistant of Sérgio Noé Quintela, executive and pedagogical assistant at Noé Dance Studios, and producer of naap, with whom she maintains a close artistic relationship and a constant professional

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Cláudia Moreira
Articles: 2