Ana Cecilia Reis

Actress, director and producer, having performed for over 15 years. Bachelor’s degree in Drama Theory from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Unirio).

Founder, in 2013, of Cia Plúmbea, a theater group devoted to the research of the technique and ethics of acting. Receiver of the award for Best Director at the Barbacena National Festival (Minas Gerais state, Brazil) for the play “Terrabatida: Reminiscência de Canudos” (“Terrabatida: Memories of Canudos”). Member of the editorial board of Ensaia Magazine (, which received the Yan Michalski award in 2016. In Portugal, in 2018, she presented the solo theatrical performance “A Arte de Enterrar seus Mortos” (“The Art of Burrying One’s Dead”) based on Antigone, tragedy of Sophocles and promoted an artistic exchange with University of Évora students.
Producer of the “Face a Face” project in 2016, sponsoring performances by Portuguese and Brazilian artists at the Parque das Ruínas in Rio de Janeiro city. Produced at the Vivo Rio concert house from 2015 to 2017.

Currently working as Performing Arts Analyst for SESC (Trader’s Social Services Association) in Petrópolis city, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Awarded, in 2019, the Maestro Guerra-Peixe Cultural Prize by the City of Petropolis, for best actress in the theatrical performance “Diário do Último Ato” (“The Diary of the Last Act”), which was contemplated by the Young Artists Art Scholarship, from the Portugal National Center for the Arts, in 2018.

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Ana Cecília Reis
Articles: 2