Tiago Torres da Silva was born in 1969 and has been a writer and director for several years. He was the author/director of several theatrical shows, such as: Don’t say anything with Fernanda Borsatti at Teatro Nacional D.ª Maria II; Bibi lives Amália with Bibi Ferreira in Canecão (Rio de Janeiro); It’s the sea, Alfonsina, it’s the sea, with José Neves at Cinearte; If not the mother of the front and Casa de Fado at Teatro Villarett; Can anyone tell me if I’m alive?!, at the Teatro Nacional D.ª Maria II; Single price and Mom I want at Teatro ABC, etc. He directed musical shows by Anamar, Beatriz da Conceição, Maria João Quadros, Né Ladeiras, Pilar Homem de Melo, Tereza Tarouca, etc.
He is the author of the books Um s mais, É o mar, Alfonsina, é o mar, My dear television, Do not say anything and Timbó, among others. He is the author of chronicles published in several newspapers, magazines and radio programs, such as Jornal de Letras, Máxima, Comércio do Porto, Rádio CSB, etc.
He writes lyrics for a large number of Portuguese, Brazilian and now Cape Verdean and Spanish singers, including: Adelaide Ferreira, Alcione, Anamar, Ana Sofia Varela, António Pinto Basto, Beatriz da Conceição, Bebe, Carminho, Celeste Rodrigues, Chico César, Daniela Mercury, Dazkarieh, Dulce Pontes, Elba Ramalho, Eugénia Melo e Castro, Fafá de Belém, Filipa Pais, Francis Hime, Jacinta, Joana Amendoeira, Joanna, Lara Li, Lia Gama, Mafalda Arnauth, Manuela Azevedo, M. Berasarte, M. Bethânia, Maria João, M. João Quadros, M. José Valério, Mariema, Marina Mota, Mônica Salmaso, Ná Ozzetti, Nancy Vieira, Né Ladeiras, Nuno da Câmara Pereira, Olga Cerpa, Olivia Byington, Omiri, Pedro Luis ea Parede, Pilar Homem de Melo, Ricardo Ribeiro, Rita Ribeiro, Rodrigo Costa Félix, Sal, Sara Tavares, Seu Jorge, Teresa Salgueiro, Tereza Tarouca, Tito Paris, Uxia, Zeca Baleiro and Zélia Duncan , among many others.